Vælg filterklasse

Hvordan vælger du den rette filterklasse og tilsvarende luftkvalitet?

Den europæiske standard EN 779 var gældende fra 2012 til midten af 2018, hvor den blev erstattet af ISO-standarden 16890.
De to standarder kan ikke direkte sammenlignes, men nedenstående oversigt kan anvendes som en vejledende rettesnor.


Filters according to EN 779 standard

Filters are divided into different classes, dependent on the percentage of one size particles that are removed.

Filters according to ISO 16890-1:2016

This newer standard replaces the previous EN 779 "classes" with new "groups", which are now particle sizes.

More details can be found here

To identify how much is removed by the filters in each group, they are followed by a percentage. 

An example: "ePM1 70%" included in Dantherm part number 063446. 

  • 70% indicates the amount removed in percentage
  • ePM1 indicates that the above-mentioned 70% is measured if particles are within 0.3 ≤ × ≤1 µm in size  

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